Welcome to Day 1,720.
Today is a little heavier than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.
First up in the first of three Land Of Infusion news items, 100% Wolf, as well as both Stuber and Madeline were all placed in Tier 13, following their somewhat impromptu assessments.
In the second Land Of Infusion news item, the purging of movies vying for the Two ThouCentennial Project continues, as A) The Joneses and La mujer de mi hermano were both re-acquired by the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page, and B) Wanderland was acquired by that same page.
And finally in the third (and hot off the presses) Land Of Infusion news item, Best Sellers has been placed in Tier 13, following its impromptu assessment.
Well, that's all for now.
Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.